Across our 20 years of programme delivery, Pure Insights have supported many clients within the justice and probation services to manage their mental health and wellbeing, reintegrate back into their community, build their resilience, and process trauma. Our counselling programmes support them to take steps to rebuild their pillars of support needed to develop ongoing positive relationships with their families and social groups, move towards their employment and training goals. Enabling the individual to bring about effective changes in their behaviour and reduce the risk of re-offending.
Over the last couple of years, we have moved into direct specialist partner relationships with prime provider running the Commissioned Rehabilitative Services of Personal Wellbeing, ETE and CFO Justice contracts.
The CFO Evolution West Midlands, East Midlands and North East are delivered by the HMPPS Creating Future Opportunities. To learn more about the work of HMPPS CFO please visit Pure Insights delivers CFO provision in partnership with Ingeus.
Please contact us via the below form if you would like to hear more about our programmes, have questions about our services or would like to explore partnership opportunities.
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