Pure Insights is a leading employment focused counselling organisation with 20 years of experience in delivering counselling programmes enabling jobseekers with mental health barriers to move closer to the employment market and their vocational goals.
ViewPure Insights deliver wellbeing and employment focused counselling programmes to clients facing complex barriers to progression during their journey to release from prison, through the gate and during their probation period.
ViewAccidental Counselling is the art of managing difficult conversations in the workplace. Pure Insights have created person workshops and an online Accidental Counselling course which have been designed specifically to support frontline workers manage challenging client interactions.
ViewOur Boost Wellbeing at Work programme provides real time support for employees to process and manage the impacts of work on their wellbeing, debrief about difficult client cases, gain coaching to manage boundaries and interactions with complex clients, and gain support for issues impacting their work.
ViewOur counselling services provide a safe, confidential and non-judgemental space to work through the various challenges and difficulties that you may be facing in your life.
ViewPure Insights has developed a network of highly qualified and registered counsellors across the UK that speak a range of languages identified as the most requested by our providers.
ViewPure Insights is passionate about the importance of Peer Supervision for frontline workers supporting clients with complex barriers in the employment services, justice and housing sectors.
ViewPure Insights run a range of group workshops focusing on client’s wellbeing on employment, justice, housing association and refugee contracts.
ViewWe provided tailored counselling, coaching and wellbeing support options for clients who have successfully entered employment but due to personal wellbeing and mental health concerns.